Now it’s time to run the command after you have moved packages successfully.
Connect ssh. Its format will be ssh username@ip/domain -p 2200(port number)
Once you get connected with ssh, go to the Magento root directory and run the following commands.
Upgrade: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Compile: php bin/magento setup:di:compile
Deploy: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
For Permission:
var: chmod -R (664/775/777) var, chmod -R (664/775/777) var/*
generated: chmod -R (664/775/777) generated, chmod -R (664/775/777) generated/*
static: chmod -R (664/775/777) pub/static, chmod -R (664/775/777) pub/static/*
Important Note: 664,775 and 777 are files and folder permissions. While performing operations, user needs to specify any one of them as per there requirements.