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  3. Twilio Sms Notification W...
  4. Installation


Twilio Sms Mobile Login module depends upon the core module named Core and on Twilio SDK, so you need to install it.

Steps to install Core Module:

1: Using the composer:

For installing the core module you need to run following commands.
composer require wbcomdesigns/module-core:dev-master

2: Through FTP/SFTP:

You can download this core module from the following links


Now connect your FTP/SFTP and upload the modules related folder and files.

Your directory path will be Magento_Root/app/code/Wbcom/Core

Steps to install Twilio SDK:

(b) This module also depends upon Twilio SDK so you need to install it.

Using Composer: Run the following commands
composer require twilio/sdk


Important Note:
(a) The core module is related to Wbcom packages, and for the proper functioning of any packages related to Wbcom, it is strictly required to install this module.


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