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How to Use

Module Activation

Once you install the package successfully, you need to activate the modules.

Login to the admin panel and navigate to the WBCOM menu. Click on it and search for the sub-menu of the Product Question Answers.

Under Product Question Answers, you will find Configurations, click on it.

Log In Admin panel -> Wbcom Menu -> Product Question Answers -> Configurations



In image 1.1, you can see the option “Enable Module

  • To enable the module, select the option “Yes”
  • To disable the module, select the “No” option.

(a) General Setting (Reference Image 1.1)

  • Auto Setting of New Answer: There are three types of settings that admin can select for the new answers—APPROVED or PENDING or NOT APPROVED
  • Auto Setting of New Asked Question: There are three types of settings that admin can select for the newly asked questions—APPROVED or PENDING or NOT APPROVED
  • Guest user can ask Question ?: Set the option to “Yes” to allow Guest Users to ask a question. And, set the option to “No” to not to allow Guest Users to ask a question.
  • No. of Answers listed in product page: Admin can specify the total number of  Answers (Question wise) to be listed on the Product Page.
  • No. of Questions listed in product page: Admin can specify the total number of Questions to be listed on the Product Page.




(b) Admin Notification Email (Reference Image 1.2)

  • Enable: Enable/disable the settings with a single click to send email notifications to Admin.
  • Admin Receiver Email: Admin can enter the email address where he will get email notifications whenever a new question or answer will be posted.
  • Admin Sender Email: Enter the email address that will be used to send email notifications to the admin.
  • Admin Sender Name: Admin can enter the sender name.



(c) Customer Notification Email (Reference Image 1.3)

  • Enable: Enable/disable the settings with a single click to send email notifications to customers.
  • Admin Email: Enter the email address that will be used to send email notifications to customers.
  • Email Sender Name Admin can enter the sender name.

Frontend View:


In the tab of “Questions”, user can ask questions.  A list of questions and answers will also get listed here.



Ask Your Question Option: By Clicking “Ask your Question”, a pop-up will get opened where users can ask their query.


Image2.3 Listing of Questions: After posting questions, it will be listed in the ‘Questions’ tab.



Answer Posting: Users can post the answers to the questions.



Like/Dislike Option: Users can like/dislike the answers.

Admin Panel



To view, edit, and manage the listing of questions, navigate to:

Admin panel -> Wbcom Menu -> Product Question Answers -> Product Question



Edit Product Question: Admin can edit the product question from the backend. Navigate to:

Admin panel -> Wbcom Menu -> Product Question Answers -> Product Question-> Edit-> Assign Product(s) in Question



Assign Questions To Multiple Products: Admin can assign a question to multiple products. Navigate to:

Admin panel -> Wbcom Menu -> Product Question Answers -> Product Question-> Edit





It’s the listing of the answers, related to the respective question.



Answer Posting by Admin: Admin can post his answer to the questions. To post the answer, navigate to:

Admin panel->Wbcom Menu->Product Question Answers->Product Questions->Edit->Answers->Post Answer



To view, edit, and manage the listing of answers, navigate to:

Log In Admin panel -> Wbcom Menu -> Product Question Answers -> Product Answer





To view, edit, and manage the listing of the Activity log, navigate to:

Log In Admin panel -> Wbcom Menu -> Product Question Answers ->Activity Log

This allows admin to see who has liked/disliked the answer.

Customer Panel:







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